Ben on web design
Web designers and developers are too close to their work… too close to the medium itself. Here are 4 examples why web designers/developers may need to take a step back and look at their projects from a different perspective:
- Left and top navigational elements may seem to lack creativity, but does your mom give a damn about innovation when she cannot find that garden accessory at her favorite on-line store?
- While you’re finding new, clever ways to indicate that something is a link, your site’s users are busy searching for the underlined, blue text.
- Sure that beveled button the client is requesting was “played out” in 1996, but to many less experienced web users, buttons of this type mean “click me.”
- Animated gifs (tastefully done) are still an option. You don’t have to open up Flash for every animation.
The basic point here is that we (web designer/developer-types) have been on the web a long time. Not only have we been there since 1995 or earlier, but we have also logged thousands and thousands of hours on-line. Our experience level with the web as a medium vastly outnumbers the experience of almost every other type of user today. This difference has caused a rift to be developed between designers and the general public… one that has been very frustrating for both sides.